


This is a ceramic box, we made a box with things on all sides. A new skill I learned was using degrees to make the box fit together. Art elements I used are color to make it look pretty and shiny. It gives a feeling of the things I like.

This is a spooky tree, I used the iPad to draw this. The iPad is good because there is a range of colors. You can also use it to take light colors and build in top of them. I learned how to use shades and low opacity. The dark colors make it look spooky.

My cup got smashed. I think that i put too many layers on it. Next time I should make it thinner and not put thick things on it. I also think it could have collided with another cay piece. 
This is a painted portrait it is a painted version of the drawing I did before. I learned how to mix different colors to create a skin color. Art elements used were colors and shades to create an accurate image recreation. Thus makes it more realistic and it really looks like the image I took. Using colors and shading I improved my drawing a ton. 

I can re-sketch my pencil drawing for a painting with the correct proportions – head shape & feature placement
I can softly define features with the correct size in relation to each other and the head
I can create a unified image with a sense of emphasis on the face or part of the face.
I can indicate three dimensions by using complementary colors for shadows and highlight.
I can paint with defined brush marks so I create clear textures for skin, hair and any other details.